Package Rates and Implants applicable to Private Medical Colleges.
Regarding implementation of 1340 PackageRates and Implants applicable to Private MedicalColleges.See below New 1337 package rates 14.07.2020 (2)
Regarding implementation of 1340 PackageRates and Implants applicable to Private MedicalColleges.See below New 1337 package rates 14.07.2020 (2)
आवेदन शुल्क (Application Fees) General/OBC Candidates:- 1,000/- SC/ST Candidates/EWS/PWD:- 500/- Persons with Disabilities:- No Fees Fees Payment Mode:- BANK CHALLAN…
Click here to to apply online पात्रता मापदंड – Eligibility Criteria शैक्षणिक योग्यता Educational Qualification :- 10वीं पास एवं…
HSSC की ये सभी पोस्ट कैंसिल कर दी गयी है अब ये सारी CET के तहत ही कि जाएगी👆 See…